Basic Phrases of the Danish Language

Danish is the official language of Denmark and the European Union. It is also the second language of Greenland and the Faroe Islands. It was once the official tongue of Norway and Iceland, until 1830 and 1944 respectively. The Danish language approximately has over 5 million speakers. It has achieved an official recognition in the bordering area of South Schleswig in Germany too.

A brief look at some of the fundamental Danish phrases.

Basic Terminology

Yes --- Ja
No --- Nej
I am sorry --- Jeg beklager.
Now --- Nu
Today --- I dag
Tomorrow --- I morgen
Yesterday --- I går
Left --- Vhenstre
Right --- Ho-ey-re
Excuse me --- Undskyld mig! (to ask for something)
Excuse me --- Undskyld! (to pass by)
Water --- Vand
Tea --- Te
Coffee --- Kaffe
Milk --- Maelk
beer --- Oel
No Problem --- Intet problem!
Don’t worry --- Bare rolig!
Big --- Stor
Small --- Lille
What --- Hvad?
Where --- Hvor?

Short Talk

Where are you from --- Hvorfra kommer du?
Where do you live --- Hvor bor du
I do not understand --- Det forstar jeg ikke
Where is the toilet --- Hvor er toilettet?
How old are you --- Hvor gammel er du?
What is the time --- Hvad er klokken?
I am lost --- Jeg er faret vild.
Can I help you --- Kan jeg hjælpe dig
Can you help me --- De hjælpe mig?
How much is this --- Hvor meget koster den
One moment please --- Et øjeblik!
I do not understand --- Jeg forstår ikke!
I do not know  --- Jeg ved det ikke!
What is this --- Hvad er det?
Do you like it? --- Kan du?
Yes, I really like it! --- Jeg kan virkelig lide den!

Greetings and Introduction

Hello --- Hej, Hallo
Good morning --- God morgen
Good evening --- God aften
Good night --- God nat
Thank you --- Tak
Welcome --- Velkommen
Good Luck --- Held og lykke!
How are you   --- Hvordan har du det?
Fine, thank you --- Fint, tak 
What is your name? --- Hvad hedder du?
My name is….            --- Jeg hedder
Goodbye --- Farvel
Happy Birthday --- Tillykke med fodselsdagen    
Happy New Year --- Godtnytar
Get well soon --- God bedring
Bon Voyage --- God rejse!
Have a nice day --- Fortsat god dag
Pleased to meet you --- Rart at møde dig
See you later   --- På gensyn!

Important Terms

Taxi --- Taxi
Train --- To-aw
Bus --- Boos
Doctor --- Dok-tor
Laundry --- Vaskeri
Police Station --- Politistation


Entry --- Indgang
Exit --- Udgang
Open --- Ten
Closed --- Lukket
Help --- Yaelp
Toilets --- Toiletter
Gents --- Herrer
Ladies --- Damer

Important Places

Bank --- En bank
Market --- Markedet
Museum --- Museet
Police  --- Politiet
Post office --- Postkontoret
Public toilet --- Et offentlig  toilet
Church            --- Kirke

Days of the Week

Sunday --- Sondag
Monday --- Mandag
Tuesday --- Tirsdag
Wednesday --- Onsdag
Thursday --- Torsdag
Friday  --- Fredag
Saturday --- Lordag


0 --- Nul
1 --- En
2 --- To
3 --- Tre
4 --- Fire
5 --- Fem
6 --- Seks
7 --- Syv
8 --- Otte
9 --- Ni
10 --- Ti

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