Basic Phrases of the Dutch Language

Dutch is a German language which belongs to the Indo-European family of languages. It is an official tongue of the European Union and spoken by approximately 21 million people around the world including Belgium and the Netherlands. It gained its official status in northern Belgium in the year 1930. The closest associates of the Dutch language are German, English and Frisian.

Some of the basic Dutch phrases are given below:

Basic Words

I --- Ik
Yes --- Ja
No --- Nee
When? --- Waneer?
Please --- Alstublieft
Sorry --- Het spijt me!
Today --- Vandaag
Tomorrow --- Morgen
Yesterday --- Gisteren
Excuse me --- Excuseer me (for seeking attention)
Excuse me --- Excuseer mij (to pass)
No Problem --- Geen problem
Be careful --- Voorzichtig!
Cold --- Koud
Hot --- Warm
Cheers! --- Proost! 

Short Phrases

I don’t know --- Ik weet het niet
See you later --- Tot ziens!
I do not understand --- Ik begrijp het niet 
I am hungry --- Ik heb honger 
II am thirsty --- Ik heb dorst 
I am lost! --- Ik ben verdwaald!
Can u help me? --- Kunt u mij helpen?
Take care! --- Pas goed op jezelf!
Where is the toilet? --- Waar is de wc?
What is the time --- Hoe laat is het?


Father --- Vader 
Mother --- Moeder
Sister --- Zus
Brother --- Broer
Husband --- Echtgenoot
Wife --- Echtgenote
Son --- Zoon
Daughter --- Dochter


Hi --- Hallo
Pleased to meet you --- Aangenaam kennis-te-maken
Good morning --- Goedemorgen
Good afternoon --- Goedemiddag
Good evening --- Goedenavond
Good night --- Goedenacht
Thank you --- Dank u
You are welcome --- Graag gedaan
Welcome --- Welkom
Good Luck! --- Veel geluk!
How are you? --- Hoe gaat het?
I am fine, thanks --- Goed, bedankt
What is your name? --- Wat is je naam?
My name is….            --- Mijn naam is…
Where are you from? --- Waar kom je vandaan? 
I am from… --- Ik kom uit... 
Where do you stay --- Waar woon je?
Goodbye --- Doei/dag
See you! --- Ik zie je!
Nice to meet you --- Leuk je te ontmoeten 
Pleased to meet you --- Aangenaam kennis te maken 
Happy Birthday --- Fijne verjaardag
Happy New Year --- Gelukkig Nieuwjaar
Get well soon! --- Beterschap!
Bon Voyage! --- Geode reis!
Have a nice day! --- Een prettige dag!


Left --- Linkerzijde
Right --- Rechts
Help! --- Hulp!
Fire --- Brand
Stop! --- Stop!

Main Places

The Bank --- De bank
Post office --- Het postkantoor
Public toilet --- Het openbaar toilet
Train --- Trein
The Bus stop --- De bushalte
Metro station --- Het metrostation

Days of the Week

Sunday --- Zondag
Monday --- Maandag
Tuesday --- Dinsdag
Wednesday --- Woensdag 
Thursday --- Donderdag
Friday --- Vrijdag
Saturday --- Zaterdag


One --- Een
Two --- Twee
Three --- Drie
Four --- Vier
Five --- Vijf
Six --- Zes
Seven --- Zeven
Eight --- Acht
Nine --- Negen
Ten --- Tien

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