Basic Phrases of the Polish Language

Polish is the official language of Poland and has more than 40 million speakers worldwide. Polish is a Western Slavic language and is the second most widely spoken Slavic language in the world. The Polish language comprises of many dialects such as Mazovian, Greater Polish and Lesser Polish.

The Polish language has survived the onslaught of several non-Polish speaking invaders over the centuries and has managed to produce a rich stock of literature. The United States and Canada have large populations of Polish descent.

The following phrases serve as a ready reckoner for providing insight into the Polish language.

Basic Phrases

Hello --- Witaj
How are you? --- Jak się masz?
Fine, thank you --- Dobrze, dziękuję
What is your name? --- Jak się nazywasz?
My name is ... --- Nazywam się ...
Good --- Dobry
Yes --- Tak
No --- Nie
Good morning --- Dzień dobry
Good evening --- Dobry wieczór
Good afternoon --- Dzień dobry
Good night --- Dobranoc
Goodbye --- Do widzenia
Please --- Proszę
Thanks --- Dzięki
You’re welcome --- Witamy
Excuse me --- Przepraszam
I am sorry --- Przykro mi
How much is it? --- Ile to kosztuje?
Where is? --- Gdzie jest?
Where is the toilet? --- Gdzie jest toaleta?
Day --- Dzień
Week --- Tydzień
Month --- Miesiąc
Early morning --- Wczesnym rankiem
Afternoon --- Wczoraj
Evening --- Wieczór
Night --- Noc
Today --- Dzisiaj
Tomorrow --- Jutro
Food --- Jedzenie
Hotel --- Hotel
I understand --- Rozumiem
I don’t understand --- Nie rozumiem


0 --- Zero
1 --- Jeden
2 --- Dwa
3 --- Trzy
4 --- Cztery
5 --- Pięć
6 --- Sześć
7 --- Siedem
8 --- Osiem
9 --- Dziewięć
10 --- Dziesięć

Days of the Week

Monday --- Yak spravi?
Tuesday --- Wtorek
Wednesday --- Sroda
Thursday --- Czwartek
Friday --- Piatek
Saturday --- Sobota
Sunday --- Niedziela


Entry --- Wejscie
Exit --- Wyjdz
Hospital --- Szpital
Police --- Policja
Airport --- Lotnisko
Bus station --- Dworzec autobusowy
Taxi stand --- Postój taksówek


Address --- Adres
Street --- Ulica
Number --- Liczba
City --- Miasto
Here --- Tu
There --- Tam
Next to --- Obok
Opposite --- Naprzeciw
Behind --- Za
To --- Do
Right --- Prawo
Left --- Zostawił
Straight --- Prosty

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