Basic Phrases of the Portuguese Language

Originated from Portugal, the Portuguese language is officially spoken in Brazil, East Timor, Macau and six other countries in Africa. It is considered to be one of the fastest growing European languages. Portuguese is a descendant of Latin and is known as a Romance language.


I --- Eu
You --- Você
He --- Ele
She --- Ela
It --- Ele
This --- Isto
That --- Isso


Hello --- Oi
How are you? --- Como é?
I am fine --- Sou bom
Good Morning --- Bom dia
Good Night --- Boa noite
Thank you --- Obrigado
Please --- Por favor


Father --- Pai
Mother --- Mãe
Husband --- Marido
Wife --- Esposa
Sister --- Irmã
Brother --- Irmão
Friend --- Amigo


Come --- Venha
Go --- Vás
Came --- Veio
Give ---
Take --- Tome
Fast --- Rápido
Slow --- Lento
Water --- Água
Home --- Casa
Yesterday --- Ontem
Today --- Hoje
Tomorrow --- Amanhã
Sleep --- Sono
Breakfast --- Café da manhã
Lunch --- Almoço
Dinner --- Jantar
Eat --- Coma


0 --- Zero
1 --- Um / uma
2 --- Dois / duas
3 --- Três
4 --- Quatro
5 --- Cinco
6 --- Seis
7 --- Sete
8 --- Oito
9 --- Nove
10 --- Dez

Common Phrases

What is your name? --- O que é seu nome?
Where are you from? --- De onde estão você?
What happened? --- O que aconteceu?
Let us meet --- Deixe-nos encontrar
Please come home --- Por favor volte para casa
Please sit --- Por favor sente-se

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