Basic Phrases of the Romanian Language

Romanian, officially called as Limba Romana, is spoken by more than 25 million people worldwide. This language is primarily spoken in Romania and Moldova. Romanian is an off-shoot of Proto-Romanian language, which in turn descended from Vulgar Latin. The Romanian language belongs to the family of Romance languages.

Though descended from Latin, the Romanian language has very little influence from other Romance languages. During the course of its evolution, Romanian has been influenced by Greek and Latin to a great extent. The Romanian alphabet is based on Latin alphabets, with minor changes.

The following phrases serve as a ready reckoner to get an insight into the Romanian language.

Basic Phrases

Hello --- Salut
How are you? --- Ce mai faci?
I'm fine, thank you --- Sunt bine, multumesc
What is your name? --- Cum te numesti?
My name is ... --- Numele meu este ...
Good --- Bun
Yes --- Da
No --- Nu
Good morning --- Buna dimineata
Good evening --- Buna seara
Good afternoon --- Buna ziua
Good night --- Noapte buna
Goodbye --- La revedere
Please --- Te rog
Thanks --- Multumesc
You’re welcome --- Va asteptam cu drag
Excuse me --- Ma scuzati
I am sorry --- Îmi pare rau
How much is it? --- Cât este?
Where is? --- Unde este?
Where is the toilet? --- Unde este toaleta?
Day --- Zi
Week --- Saptamâna
Month --- Luna
Early morning --- Dis de dimineata
Noon --- Amiaza
Afternoon --- Dupa-amiaza
Evening --- Seara
Night --- Noapte
Today --- Azi
Tomorrow --- Mâine
Food --- Mâncare
Hotel --- Hotel
I understand --- Am înteles
I don’t understand --- Nu înteleg


0 --- Nula
1 --- Unu
2 --- Doi
3 --- Trei
4 --- Patru
5 --- Cinci
6 --- Sase
7 --- Sapte
8 --- Opt
9 --- Noua
10 --- Zece

Days of the Week

Monday --- Luni
Tuesday --- Marti
Wednesday --- Miercuri
Thursday --- Joi
Friday --- Vineri
Saturday --- Sâmbata
Sunday --- Duminica


Entry --- De intrare
Exit --- Iesire
Hospital --- Spital
Police --- Politia
Airport --- Aeroport
Bus station --- Statie de autobuz
Taxi stand --- Parcare pentru taxiuri


Address --- Adresa
Street --- Strada
Number --- Numar
City --- Oras
Here --- Aici
There --- Acolo
Next to --- Next pentru a
Opposite --- In partea opusa
Behind --- În spatele
To --- La
Right --- Dreptul
Left --- Parasit
Straight --- Drept

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